Demolition waste

As time is passing the amount ofconstruction happeningis growing vigorously. With the rapid growth in construction activities, construction waste and demolition waste is increasing day by day. The best of cement structures last for a maximum of 100 years.This means that a cement building does not last beyond a generation!… READ MORE...

Houses for a healthy and happy life, part 2

There is growing concern about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. Much research is being done and evidence is piling up. One thing that becomes clearer, while evaluating all of the scientific research in this field, is that we know very little about the electromagnetic processes happening in our body, and in that of all other life forms on earth.… READ MORE...

Art On The Wall

After a whole lot of cob work and wall work, colors were scattered at sacred groves by our own artist Enrico, a volunteer from Italy. His job was to make the site more colorful and fix the loose ends. Painting section was given to him under which he had to take hold of mainly two projects which are painting the wall of the toilet and painting the container.… READ MORE...

Humble Peter and his PVC Dome

Architects in Auroville believe in working together and encourage each and every idea to make the place better. Peter Matthias Anderschitz, an architect from Berlin who has been in Auroville since 1971 needed some help from the SacredGroves volunteers. A group of eight volunteers from SacredGroves were present at the Savitri Bhavan campus to help him to lift and align an 8 meters in diameter geodesic dome made up of PVC pipes.… READ MORE...

The Sacred Dorm


With more people coming to work at SacredGroves, our community felt the need for a place to house its volunteers on site. A few months ago, such a place was realized in the form of a two-storey pointy-roofed wooden structure sitting cozily in the forest edge, partly hidden by the foliage around it.… READ MORE...

Another Wonder Material Discovered!

Reuse, reduce and recycle have been the most efficient ways for waste reduction, waste management and getting a product with minimum investments. Tetrapacks, having the property of water resistance, are made use of in large quantities here at SacredGroves. The empty used tetrapacks are obtained from the segregated waste block from the Pour Tous store at Solar Kitchen.… READ MORE...