The construction of falling ladders started with the need of an increase in accommodations for interns and volunteers on site. The aim of the construction was to have a low cost structure that can be easily dismantled and built elsewhere.


1. Foundation consist of 12 stone pillars over which 3 sets of palm beams are laid in length over which 18 beams are placed in width, providing floor space for the ground floor.

2. 2 Ladders were joined in length to get a height of 21 ft. The overlap between ladders is 3ft.

3. And they were joined together to form a ‘V-shape’ at an angle of 60 degree.
4. A ladder member is added in between the V structure to form an A-structure.
5. The bottom ends of the ladders were cut in an angle so that it fits perfect with the beam.
6. The cutting is sanded to give the perfect edge and there are no excess pieces sticking out.

7. The binding wire was tied near to the base that is cut to provide more strength and prevent tearing of the bamboo. Then it was tied to the beam with coconut coir.

8. The A frame is placed on top of the platform with both ends laid onthe beams and were supported on the either sides with the help of ropes, to prevent it from toppling.

9. The 2 A-frames are interconnected by means of thin bamboo purlins for stability.

10. The 3rd and 4th A-frame were also erected and tied.
11. All the 4 A-frames were connected at the 1st floor level by means of purlins and 4 rows of ladder were placed and tied to stabilize the structure as well as to give support to the 1stfloor level.
12. ‘X’ bracing support is given below the four rows of ladders connecting one ‘A’ to the other increasing the stability of the structure and increasing the strength of flooring as well as decreasing the sagging of floor. They also enhance stability of the structure also giving support for the canvas sheet cover that was put on top.

13. The 4 vertical supports were given below each. A frame to prevent sagging of the frame at the middle and the principal rafter was tied at the top to provide maximum stability and support for the structure.The rope fixture was done for joining the fish mouth joint of vertical ladder to the ‘A’ horizontal for added stability against preventing slippage.

14. The access to the first floor is provided from the middle of the 1stand 2nd ‘A’ to the 1st floor.
15. Tire tubes were wound around the principal rafter and car times were tied at the points were the A –frames were connected. Gunny sacks were tied to protruding points. And the canvas was laid over the structure to provide shade for inside works and as the roof. The canvas was riveted for holding.
16. Mix of pine and palm planks are used for the floorings. The pine planks were from recycled crates used for shipping, already treated against moisture. The flooring was done in interlocking patterns. The palm was tied for easier removability.

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